Center for Science and Environment (CSE) conducted a workshop for various ULBs and academia of Construction management. The current construction chain including construction and demolition (C&D) waste management, site the executives for dust control, arranging and improvement of related foundation among others in many urban communities is asset wasteful and naturally inhumane. According to the most recent source allocation examines, the residue capability of the development area and other related sources was liable for up to 41 percent of PM10 age in Delhi.
To curb these environmental impacts, the environment ministry issued several guidelines for dust control from C&D activities. C&D waste management rules 2016 were also notified. However, as per CSE’s assessment, implementation of these and earlier regulatory interventions has been very weak. The problem is not limited to Delhi – it can be witnessed across the 124 non-attainment cities (NAC) in India. In extreme circumstances, banning construction activities altogether for extended periods of time has emerged as a measure, which has a severe economic impact. A combination of actions to green the entire C&D waste chain is the need of the hour.
Mr. CP Singh (Cofounder Eswachh) presented on how the ULBs can take up the waste collection management system (WCMS). The use of technology helps to bring in transparency and make the workforce efficient. Eswachh has already implemented its WCMS in few cities and has achieved 95% Segregation status there. The workforce productivity has been doubled as the time required by then to wait for waste has been reduced.
Mr. CP Singh also highlighted the WCMS advantages like
- Real time Tracking of the Waste Collectors
- Ontime Reporting of the Workforce.
- Tracking the Time, Location, Productivity of the Workforce.
- Zero Complaints from Consumers and higher CSAT
- Reports available to all Stakeholders without delay.
- Escalation to right person in case of any customet complaint.
The Queries raised by participants were answered by Mr. CP Singh, As per CSE team this Session was attended by officials from CPWD, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Orissa Pollution control board, academia from Jaipur and students from various colleges.