SAAS Based Contactless Waste Door to Door Collection management system
Eswachh Wet Waste Composting Plants
Waste Collection Management System (WCMS)

Eswachh would enable its Swachh Nagar App (WCMS) across India, which would be used by all waste collectors of that area. Eswachh would provide the app and dashboard to all stakeholders, maintain it and on ground execution of App would be done by Eswachh Team.

Advantage of this Platform to ULBs will be
  1. Evidence of 100% Door To Door Collection with Audit Trail including Segregated waste collection from source.
  2. Real Time Reports
    1. Performance & Productivity of the Vehicles/ Drivers
    2. Ontime Operations of Drivers
    3. Complete Digital Track of the Vehicle Route
    4. Defect Reports ( Breakdown/ Late Start/ Trip)
    5. Violation report
      1. Excess Waiting
      2. GPS/ Data Switch off
      3. Late Reporting
    6. Customer Complaints Received 
      1. Response SLA
      2. Resolution SLA
  3. Compliance Report of Vehicles and Drivers
  4. Waste Segregation Report of the Citizens
  5. Notice and Challans Generated 
    1. Daily Report of Notice and Challans
    2. Recovery Report filled by MCG Staff
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Testimonials from Waste Collection Team

The various waste collector deployed for door-to-door collection has found our technology very user friendly and easy to use. They have been able to adopt to our technology in 7 days with a daily training of just 15 minutes.
Below is testimonial from one of the waste collector and supervisor of waste collection company.

Testimonials from residents 

Our Platform was able to change the behaviour of residents to give segregated waste. They also noticed the improvement in the service of waste collectors and tracking of the waste collection van. 
Below is the testimonial from one of the residents. Please visit our Youtube channel to view more testimonials.

In pursuit of ongoing implementation with SBM team our success for implementation of WCMS, that we have Exhibited in Sector 27, Gurugram since August 2020, wherein below mentioned capabilities have been achieved:

Impact of Implementation of Technology



Segregated waste from residents <2% 95%
On time delivery Started 10:30 AM Before  8:00 AM
Contactless waste collection Nil Residents pre-informed
Tracking of individual house  Behaviour  Not Possible 100% Tracked
High customer satisfaction Frequent Complaints Zero Complaints
Auto notice and challan to residents  No Provision Automated Emails/SMS
Dashboard for all stakeholders NA All Stakeholders 
Increased Collection and User fees Payments  219 Homes 440 Homes