Eswachh Integrated solution was given the mandate to do door-to-door collection by the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram as Pilot in the month of August 2020, Eswachh implemented their Platform Waste Collection management system (WCMS) and got 90% segregated waste from all the households. This system has been in place and today eswachh is getting almost 95% segregated waste from all the households.
When Eswachh started this initiative there were only 219 households and now due to digital platforms and strict implementation of technology the households which are now giving waste are above 440. WCMS has not only changed the Behaviour of the Residents of Sector 27 to give segregated waste but motivated & maintained the segregation behavior for almost a year.
Eswachh has been part of ZERO WASTE DAY in Gurugram also and during the campaign, the Amount of Wet waste collected was up to 200+ Tons.

This video was shot to check the segregation level and it was found that the Semi-skilled workforce is marking the correct segregation status. The easy-to-use technology created by Eswachh is now getting implemented across Gurugram by various condominiums.