As per the data published by Prasar Bharti News about waste management in India.

4,372 Urban Local Bodies /Cities in the country practicing scientific disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). As per the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Rules, 2016. Municipal Solid waste is collected by door-to-door collection in the ULbs. Post the collection the waste management is done, Under waste management the wet and dry are treated separately.

On daily basis, 96,259 tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste is being processed in a scientific manner. Under this the wet waste is either decomposed to make manure. Bio-fuel is also made from wet waste. Dry waste is further segregated into Plastics, paper, Glass, Metals and Rubber. These materials are Sent to waste processors to reuse or recyle or recover bi-products from these serrated waste.

Eswachh is End to End waste management company, A company that has the capability of processing wet waste which comprises 50% of the Solid waste collected by any ULB, Eswachh also sets up MRF ( Material Recovery Facility) for ULB to process the dry waste. The backbone of Eswachh services is the Technology ERP system which helps in creating the Audit trail waste from waste generator to waste processor.

Few more Stats About India

In India,

● there are approximately 15 lakh persons engaged in the job of waste picking, amounting to 10% of the total waste pickers globally.

● With the exponential increase in population in urban areas, By 2026, over 50% of India’s population is expected to live in urban areas, .

● India’s generates around 3-4% of Greenhouse gases from inadequate waste management. Without the informal sector, this number would likely have been higher.

● Recycling is a well-known way to reduce such emissions. A study showed that in Delhi, waste-pickers have saved over 900,000 CO2 tons per annum, which is nearly 3.6 times higher than any waste project approved for CDM9 .

● There is a considerable value addition to discarded materials. For example, a single unit of plastic rises in value by 750%10 prior to even being sold as a new recycled product in the market

Eswachh is on mission to manage solid waste as a resource, promoting sustainable, environmentally sound, and cost-effective practices through an integrated system of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, innovative technology, customer service, and education. 
Eswachh has vision for