The Farmer who develop paddy disregarding less accessibility of water for water system and unpredictably exploit underground water. Such farmers can take motivation from the reformist farmer Manjeet Singh of Kharkramji town and get great yields of low water cost crops. In this, the expense is less when contrasted with the paddy crop and the pay is high.
Farmer Manjeet is doing natural cultivating. There isn’t sufficient water for water system. That is the reason never at any point considered developing paddy. He has two Acres of land. In this, the yield of various harvests changes each year. Last year planted molding in one section of land. It created around 80 thousand rupees. It didn’t need to be watered even once and the expense was likewise extremely less.
Farmer Manjit Singh told that he produces crops with low water cost. This includes crops like corn, ragi, shamak, mustard. At the same time, along with wheat crop, they also take coriander crop. This gives better production.
The farmer who are doing organic farming, use products like Rocket Organic Manure, which meets all FCO 2009 parameters. Farmers are able to sell their crop at much better price because of organic produce and better yield.
Eswachh helps farmers to grow organic, Eswachh works with farmers and guide them on how to transition from Chemical fertilizer based farming to Organic farming.