Eswachh City Compost (ESCC) is popular with vegetable farmers & Garden Lovers
Eswachh City Compost (ESCC) is popular with vegetable farmers & Garden Lovers

Eswachh Integrated solution is proud announce the launch of their second brand of compost called ESCC.
ESCC is the city compost with is manufactured at the plants operated by Eswachh in various cities in India.

City Compost is a biodegradable organic fertiliser that is made from plant & vegetable material. The fertiliser provides major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium and others. It also enriches soil with micro nutrients like Boron, Zinc, Molybdenum, Iron, etc. In addition to the nutrients, ESCC is enriched with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which promotes the activity of good bacteria in the soil.

Also, with increasing food demand and depleting soil quality, ESCC plays a very important role as a replacement or supplement to chemical fertilisers in replenishing the nutrient-depleted soil. That’s why compost must reach our farmers.
ESCC can be ordered online on Eswachh Website and soon will be available on Online stores.