Municipal Corporation of Gurugram ( MCG) conducted a review of empaneled waste management companies with them. Out of 23 Agencies, only 11 agencies attended the meeting. The Performance of all the agencies were reviewed and the agencies who have not started working in Gurugram were given an ultimatum to start working in MCG area.
Eswachh is an emplaned agency with MCG and has shown growth in waste management solution. The Unique solution offered by Eswachh to all the BWG is getting liked and implemented in Gurugram. As a Waste management agency Eswachh takes over the Operation End-to-end and make the BWG a Zero waste Campus, Which means zero waste is sent to Landfills.
Eswachh Operations involve
- QR Coded Tagging of all Households
- Door-to-Door Collection of Segregated Waste
- Composting of Wet waste
- Segregation of Dry Waste
- Handover Medical Hazardous waste to Empaneled Agency for Inceneration
- Handover Dry waste to Recycler for Processing
- Handover E-waste to Empaneled agency
Eswachh maintains the Complete audit trail of the waste on their ERP platform which help them to Maintain the records of waste generation to processing.