NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman Dr Rajiv Kumar today launched the NITI Aayog- United Nations Development Programme, UNDP Handbook on Sustainable Urban Plastic Waste Management in New Delhi. It provides a comprehensive overview of managing plastic waste by representing and discussing components of the entire plastic waste value chain. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Kumar said, spreading awareness amongst the masses about the harmful effects of plastic is the need of the hour. He said, the NITI Aayog – UNDP Handbook on Sustainable Urban Plastic Waste Management can be adopted by urban local bodies to good effect. On the occasion, NIT Aayog CEO, Amitabh Kant reiterated the significance of the Re-use, Reduce and Recycle model and the need to create a mass movement around the use of plastics.

Eswachh is working on PWM for the last few years, Eswachh is helping Urban Local Bodies to
- Collect the source segregated waste from households and BWGs.
- Composting Services and Consulting on Biogas, Biodiesel plant setup and operations.
- Set up Material Recovery facilities (MRF) and consulting them how to go about the recycling of dry waste.
As per various reports the waste reaching landfills untreated waste emits 30-40% Ethane and 40% Carbon dioxide, these are greenhouse gases which depletes the Ozone layer. This causes cancer of various kinds. It is very important to ensure Plastic waste is recycled properly.