DLF Carlton Estate is a high-rise residential apartment complex in DLF5 City. It has a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments. Carlton Estate Condominium Association of Carlton Estate selected Eswachh Integrated Solutions after evaluating all the waste management companies in Gurugram. They were looking for an agency that should be able to manage the End-to-End process of waste management which starts from generating awareness, Source Segregation, Door-to-Door collection, Composting, and Material Recovery and manage the compliances as per SWM 2016 and municipal corporation of Gurugram (MCG).
Eswachh has developed proprietary technology to manage the waste management process. With the help of this technology the RWA & Eswachh team will be able to
– Monitor the waste collection process.
– View the overall segregation status of the Residents.
– Identify the residents who are giving mixed waste.
– Measure the Waste collected and how it got processed.
– Ensure Zero Waste to landfill.
The waste collected from all households is source segregated and in 4 major categories
– Wet Waste Comprising of Vegetables & kitchen waste
– Dry Waste comprising of paper/ cardboard/ metal/ plastic/ glass/ rubber
– Bio-Hazardous/ Medical Waste comprising of Sanitary napkins/ Diaper/ Medicines/ Injections/ Blades/ Paints..
– E-Waste Comprising of Old batteries/ laptops/ Calculators/ Electronic items
The complex has large green spaces the Horticulture waste generated will be dried and converted to brown material which is used in the composting process.
The wet waste collected will be shredded and composted In-situ, the manure produced will be shared with residents for their garden & lawns. The Dry waste will be segregated further into subcategories like Paper, Cardboards, Metals, Plastic, Glass which will be sent for processing. The Bio-hazardous waste & E-waste will be handed over to respective processing agencies recruited by MCG.
This way Carlton Estate will achieve “Zero Waste to Landfill” in the next few months. Mr. Gaurav Wahi CEO Eswachh stated that this is a small start for us with the goal of an entire city to become a ZERO WASTE city. Eswachh is working with all waste processing companies in the NCR region to ensure coordination and proper tracking of waste getting processed.