Eswachh Home Composter , Say No to Cancer and Lung Related Disease

Frequently Asked Questions about Eswachh Home Composter

Home composting is easy and achievable, Eswachh has compiled the FAQs which residents have when they start with Home composting. These help prospect residents to take home composting with high passion and understanding.

Why should I be doing home composting?

Below are the 7 reasons of why you must start composting at home:

  1. Green lifestyle : Only planting trees and using eco-friendly products do not make your lifestyle green. You will live up to a green cause in real sense when you start composting your daily kitchen waste at home.
  2. A clean city : Indian cities are unfortunately known for many negative reasons, including for the site of dirty and stinky piles of garbage lying on the sides of the streets. That notorious, bad smell comes from the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste discarded from our homes. The waste that easily could be composted.
  3. Mountains of dumping ground : The dumping ground crisis exists in literally all the cities of India. The capacity of most of these garbage dump yards will get over at some point, and there is absolutely no space to create new ones.
  4. Waste segregation : When you start composting, you automatically begin segregating waste at home. Wet waste like fruit and vegetable peels must go to the green bin for composting; dry waste like paper, metal, glass must go to the blue bin for further recycling; Trash like medical waste, sanitary napkins, diapers must go to the red bin to be safely disposed of by authorities.
  5. Recycling : Recycling turns things into other things, which is magic! Composting is the cleanest, fastest and cheapest way of recycling organic waste. An average family of four generates around 1kg mixed waste per day. 60% of that waste is organic and it can be composted at home. Once the organic waste is recycled at home, it is easier for outside agencies and authorities to recycle other types of waste.
  6. Bio Compost – An amazing fertilizer: Homemade bio-compost is a complete organic fertilizer for all kinds of outdoor and indoor plants. Compost is rich in basic nutrients (NPK), supplementary nutrients and also micronutrients. All these nutrients are slowly and steadily made available to plants. Compost can convert poor soil into humus-rich soil.
  7. Grow your organic food: Once you start composting at home, you can pursue the hobby of gardening. With plenty of compost in hand, you can create rich enough soil to grow all kinds of vegetable crops successfully. More importantly, you can finally grow your organic food plants at home. Urban farming is the need of the hour, and it’s high time that we start producing poison free, organic fruits and vegetables at home.